DIY IR Remote Control Switch


Project 7: DIY IR Remote Control Switch


To build a DIY Infrared (IR) remote control switch that can turn ON/OFF an LED (or appliance) using a TV/DVD remote.

Components Required:

  1. IR Receiver Module (TSOP1738)
  2. Arduino Uno (or ATtiny85 for a compact design)
  3. NPN Transistor (BC547)
  4. Resistors – 220Ω, 1KΩ, 10KΩ
  5. Relay Module (5V)
  6. LED (or appliance)
  7. Power Supply (9V Battery / 5V Adapter)
  8. Breadboard & Wires
  9. Any IR Remote (TV, DVD, etc.)

Circuit Diagram:

(A schematic can be designed in Fritzing or Tinkercad.)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Connect the IR Receiver Module

  • TSOP1738 has 3 pins:
    • VCC → 5V
    • GND → GND
    • OUT → Arduino Digital Pin (D2)

Step 2: Decode the Remote Signals

  • Upload an IR decoding sketch to Arduino using the IRremote library.
  • Open the Serial Monitor and press buttons on the remote.
  • Note down the unique HEX codes of the buttons.

Step 3: Control the LED/Relay

  • Program Arduino to toggle the LED/Relay when a specific IR code is received.

Step 4: Power the Circuit

  • Use a 9V battery or 5V adapter for stable operation.

Code for Arduino:

#include <IRremote.h> int RECV_PIN = 2; int LED = 7; IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); decode_results results; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); irrecv.enableIRIn(); pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { Serial.println(results.value, HEX); if (results.value == 0xFFA25D) { // Replace with your remote's button code digitalWrite(LED, !digitalRead(LED)); // Toggle LED } irrecv.resume(); } }

How It Works:

  1. The IR receiver detects remote signals.
  2. Arduino decodes the signal and checks the button code.
  3. If the button matches, it toggles the LED/Relay ON or OFF.
  4. The appliance/light operates like a remote-controlled switch.

Customization Ideas:

💡 Control multiple appliances using different remote buttons.
💡 Use ATtiny85 for a compact and low-power version.
💡 Add a display to show which device is ON/OFF.
